Thursday 21 July 2016

Epimoan 24 Lenny's Petit Fours

Adam has an epic moMANt. The boys listen in on real neighbours and explore their Twitter neighbours. Sam puts Snickers at the bottom of the Celebrations league. Chuck Tingle responds to Brexit.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Epimoan 23 Thrice Bollox

Sam reveals Dr Oetker's sinister past. Adam finally brings Totty Trumps to the table. The boys encounter ScarBOT Johansson, Sociality Barbie and more balls than they bargained for.

Thursday 9 June 2016


MASH IT UP ! Adam joins Sam on the Earworms radio show to talk rubbish and play good music. For 2 and a bit hours. 

Monday 30 May 2016

Epimoan 22 Ron Bovi : Plus One

'It's been a whiiiiile..' but the boys are back to ponder the mortality and morality of turtles, tingling in the shower and general Friday the 13th shenanigans.

Epimoan 21 Respitabix And Ween

Sam puts himself in a terrorist's underpants. Adam needs waking up (and saving). Thanks to some insight from Dan Dan the EE Man, the boys work on their pronunciation.

Epimoan 20 Several Lindas

Sam and Adam apologise for recent celebrity deaths, explore their admiration for Strang & Buting and investigate the repurposing of motorway service favourite "Little Chef". Also, a life-changing decision to 'click more things'.

Epimoan 19 Masticating Titroverts

Adam and Sam see in the New Year in the most traditional of ways - forging celebrity autographs, pondering on where to place their 'gasm' and dirty-talking like Clarkson would. Merry 2016!

Epimoan 18 Yules Be Sorry

In this bumper-sized Epimoan more voices than usual are gathered around the table to partake in some Christmas cheer. Fuelled by 9 questionably flavoured cocktails, the gangpartake in seasonal shenanigans (mostly using Sean Connery accents) that you can play along with at home. Drink responsibly though, or you'll end up like Sam did.

Epimoan 17 MilkybarTray ManKid

The boys set up in a kitchen to present TESTOSTERMOAN to an underwhelmed live audience. Sam tries to embody 'ruggedly creepy' while Adam wonders what became of Bill Buchan's photos. Nobody in the room thinks to say 'chicken drumPRICKS', unfortunately.

Epimoan 16 Dan Dan The EE Man

Sam has a long overdue train story. Adam is out-cooled by Norwegian teens. The boys talk proverbs, blue cheese and a super salesman. Dedicated to Dan Dan.

Epimoan 15 Lundundurwur

Before Sam moves to London, Adam has devised some 'trials' to see if he is worthy. The boys navigate The London Tube, talk milk, and attempt to learn some local lingo; all while NOT having chlamydia.

Epimoan 14b #respect4mull

Adam wants to move to the woods. Sam has a dating encounter. Talk of celebrity crushes sparks a reboot that Nickelodeon didn't even know they wanted. Also, 'dad bods'.

Epimoan 13 Rhubarb Thighgap

The first airing of Fox & Tingle! If you need other reasons to listen: questionable supermarket purchases, what goes on between your legs and a faux pas. Bouts of cramp included.

Epimoan 12 Spock, Fox & Tingle

The rudest one yet ! To celebrate a year of podding, the boys get giddy. Adam tracks down the Gladiators off of Saturday evening telly and Sam has a list of things that make him sad. There's much talk of bodily functions and fluids.

Epimoan 11 World War Nan

The boys figure out what it means to 'get beef'. Adam awards himself cult status and Sam presents the concept of 'documented sermon orgasms'. Stephen King gets out-King'd.

Epimoan 10 Stop Playing With My Chakras

From The Bierkeller in Leeds, the boys grab a stein (or two) and have a whine. As Adam gets distracted by the jukebox, Sam tries to keep things on track with fecal-related talk. Other topics up for discussion are toothbrushes, subtitles and 'dickwigs'.

Epimoan 9 Lumbersexual Manspreaders

The boys kick off the new year by predicting what TV shows might appear on the Christmas 2015 listings. Adam teaches Sam about getting rugged and groomed, but also keeping tabs on your 'ball-lag'.

Epimoan 8 It's Always CrispMESS in Philadelphia

The boys feel underprepared, but still attempt to get in the festive spirit. Adam accidently discovers the next YouTube sensation, Audra Fisher, and Sam channels his inner crisp sommelier.

Epimoan 7 Beerstrogen

The boys descend on Hogarths in Bolton to talk beer, booze and bevvies with head brewer Alex. In usual Testostermoan fashion, the discussion takes a tangent into a possible new bromance, words that would look good on t-shirts and a case of "Old Cripple Cock'. #rendezbrew

Epimoan 6 Br**chC**t

Adam tries to get Sam to come round to his way of thinking, via the medium of game show. There's talk of heartbreak, fame and brunch. A lot of talk about brunch. And a lot of swearing.

Epimoan 5 In Anout

Adam shows a lack of community spirit. Sam goes "Freaky Friday" with a 90s Australian soap star. The boys invent the game show that could relaunch Vernon Kay's career.

Epimoan 4 Misanthropocalypse

Adam hates everything. Sam tries to develop 'Zombie Weapon Top Trumps' and guest voice Danny literally overuses the word 'literally'.

Epimoan 3 Always The Bridesmaid, Never Groomed

The boys talk about 'extras' at the barbers. Adam struggles with deodorant and Sam wonders where one might buy horse placenta.

Epimoan 2 The Phantom Mannequin

Adam geeks out over movies that pre-date Sam, who is more concerned about Japanese molemen and whether the Pope will 'catch 'em all'.

Epimoan 1 Bad Aptitude Baracus

Sam and Adam discuss underwear and cutlery organisation, have their career paths chosen by the Koreans and discover some 'fun' Hitler trivia.